Debt counseling is a formal and closely managed debt solution, introduced by the National Credit Act in 2007. our services guides clients with debt problems through debt review, enabling them to make monthly debt repayments and gaining back their financial stability,these will help clients who are struggling to make debt payments by entering them into a structured debt repayment plan with their credit providers, in order to ensure they take firm control of their financial situation and settle their short and long-term debt,We have a mandate with most credit providers to extend the terms. Our aim to get clients to be debt free in 60 months. With 90% of services proposals to credit providers being accepted, debt counselling can be considered as a highly effective method of becoming debt free.
Enables you to make one reduced monthly debt repayments
Relieves you from creditors hassling you for money
Prevents you from declaring bankruptcy
Maps out the path for reducing bad debt and becoming debt free
Decreases risk of getting summonses and judgements against clients
You will be educated about your financial rights and how to work better with finances going forward
under debt review consumers will be classified as over-indebted and considered for debt counselling “if taking all financial circumstances into consideration, a client is deemed to be unable to repay their debts”.
Legally, clients applying for debt counselling, must be employed and earning a monthly income
Most importantly, our services aim to give clients hope for a future of financial well being and the ability to borrow credit again.
About our services
We are specialists in: Cancellation of Debt Review - Debt Mediation - Debt counseling - debt settlement negotiations - Rescission of Magistrate Court Judgments - Rescission of High Court Judgments - Rescission of Administration Orders - Removal of trace alert listings - Removal of default listings - Updating of poor payment profile - trace alerts removal - credit score improvements - Early termination of debt counseling.
We are experts in: Credit Repair - National Credit Act(NCA) - National credit regulator(NCR) - Consumer Protection Act - administration - consumer rights - consumer law - consumer complaints
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