cant get a credit card or personal 


The term “bad credit” is somewhat vague, so we will try and make it clear for you. Having bad credit doesn’t always mean that your history is really bad, it might just be that your credit rating is less than perfect, if you have ever been rejected by a lender for facilities such as credit cards, payday loans or unsecured loans, it might just be that your score did not meet their minimum requirements, if you have a judgement or default listing under your name, if you are under debt review that can also affect

Basically people with bad credit or low credit scores can be divided into two explanations.

The First: You have been active in the credit market, but due to unforeseen circumstances like losing employment, or some financial difficulties, you have not kept your accounts up to date or have neglected to pay your installments and even though there is no judgments against your name, your score has dropped so low that you can not get credit approval.

The Second: You have never had credit before and therefore there is no information to base your credit rating on.

Having no credit history or poor credit is a major stumbling block to getting a consolidation/home loan, vehicle finance or unsecured credit from online loan providers and even banks, because you are viewed as a high risk consumer who might default and leave the credit provider struggling to collect the debt repayments. It is a known fact that until your credit score is top notch, you won’t fit the best standard lending guidelines that banks have to follow.

We assist hundreds of clients in South Africa, every month in obtaining mortgage by improving their credit scores , but off cause we will check your credit record to see what makes creditors to not approve your applications in the first place, once this has been done we will proceed to remove the bad credit listing on your name  and then you can try your luck with different credit providers.

If your credit record has judgments, default listing, poor payment history or debt review, creditors wont approve your application you will need to erase the negative listings before and we can help    fill in a form at the bottom

Is it possible to get loans with bad credit record?

Bad credit?

In life nobody likes to be judged, but when it comes to finance and credit, credit providers will look into your credit history when you apply for credit, for them to make an informed decision about whether to approve you, and if you have bad credit record you can be sure that they will not always consider helping you out. Your credit score is always busy calculating and from your first credit application it starts evaluating you. Every time you pay your credit on time it starts adding numbers up, also, every time you pay late it subtracts and by not paying at all it starts going into the red. All information of your credit behavior is listed by Credit bureaus. When you open an account or take on credit of any kind, your repayment behavior is recorded by credit bureaus, whether good or bad.

So the higher your score the better the risk for credit providers and lenders, this signals to them that there is a good chance that your credit installments will be settled without any problems. A poor or low credit score indicates that the borrower has had issues settling credit or debt in the past and will possibly do the same in the future, thus reducing your chance of getting an approval.

When applying for credit, all credit providers will check out your credit score and so should you. There are plenty of ways for you to find out your credit score and most credit bureaus will even let you check your score for free once a year. You can Sign up at Transunion(ITC), Experian or Compuscan. You have an option to either sign up and pay a small fee and get it immediately or on a monthly basis, or once a year you can get a free credit report from any one of the credit bureaus. Credit scoring can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be, what you need to understand, is that every payment or no payment that you make will reflect. Learning to be responsible with your credit score can set you up to reach your goals.

If your credit record has judgments, default listing, poor payment history or debt review, creditors wont approve your application you will need to clear the negative listings before and we can help fill in a form at the bottom

About our services

We are specialists in: Cancellation of Debt Review - Debt Mediation - Debt counseling - debt settlement negotiations - Rescission of Magistrate Court Judgments - Rescission of High Court Judgments - Rescission of Administration Orders  - Removal of trace alert listings - Removal of default listings  - Updating of poor payment profile - trace alerts removal - credit score improvements - Early termination of debt counseling.

We are experts in: Credit Repair - National Credit Act(NCA) - National credit regulator(NCR) - Consumer Protection Act - administration - consumer rights - consumer law - consumer complaints

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